Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ending 2009

(Winter Mountain and Lake-- painting by Kevin Macneil Brown,
watercolor on paper, 2009)
In ancient Greek myth, the Halcyon Days were those surrounding the winter solstice: a period when calm seas allowed the island-dwelling kingfisher to lay her eggs; a period of quiet and well-being, a time for contemplation of new possibilities.

While we might not always experience that sense of calm at this time of year, I would like to summon a bit of it for just a moment while I offer my deep thanks to all of you have looked at, read, and listened to my work this year; who have come to shows, readings, performances, exhibits; who have purchased books or art; have supported me in other ways too many to detail. You have helped me to have an exciting 2009! Again, my deepest thanks to all of you.

I've some interesting things on the horizon for early 2010, including another art exhibit, an author event for my series of New England mystery novels, and a run of Fridays with Rusty Romance at Langdon Street Cafe here in Montpelier, Vermont.

Until then, happy holidays and a great new year to all!