I have been away from this weblog for a few months, but I'm back now, ready to share, over the next few weeks, an autumn harvest of the work I've made over the course of the spring and summer stay-home time.
I'll begin by presenting my new book of poetry, ASKING OCTOBER. This cycle of poems follows the inner and outer journeys of a year--October to October-- immersed in the energy and stillness of mountains, waters, skies.
Boundaries are beginnings here
in this place: this hard and perfect light.
North wind brings shimmer to the
gold of aspen, copper of beech
rust-fire stillness of mountain tamarack.
Nothing now to do but wait
for night, all colors covered
to rest deep in moonlight, shadow.
And above--far above, too distant for our ears
to receive--
flights of geese in southward motion, calling.
Yes-- too far, too high for our ears
to receive,
and yes, when we listen
we hear.
-Kevin Macneil Brown
ASKING OCTOBER is available through Amazon.com